
What if life comes with a choice and you are the chooser .what would you choice? EASY OR HARD, PAIN OR PLEASURE...There is  no question about it, every would choose easy.But do you ever asked why we always fond of easy path.By choosing easy you actually limiting yourself.when you choose easy then life become hard for you but if you choose hard then life would become easy. THE GROWTH HAPPENS ONLY IN DIFFICULT SITUATION.No matter how difficult is the situation ,but if u can do things that you don't even like to do then you destined to meet the GREATNESS which has been waiting in the opposite shore.A video fight scene is taken from the movie TROY  . This is the fight between ACHILLES VS HECTOR. Hector knew Achilles could easily thrash him but he had to live by a  warrior's honor. He accepted the challenge and was killed by Achilles. Being a hero was a major virtue to men of those times. So he would rather die a hero with Honor than return behind the walls of Troy as a coward.SO


GRATITUDE MEDITATION Close your eyes and observe your breathing. Don't distract by thoughts. Allow your mind to settle into a breath. Put your awareness into the heart. Mentally ask the question WHAT AM I GRATEFUL FOR? just ask the question and let it go. Allow any sensuation, thoughts, images to come to you. Just do it for couple of minutes. Again ask WHAT AM I GRATEFUL FOR? and let people and images of the people run through the mind and visualize that you are thanking them. Keeping your awareness in your heart mentally say it in your heart. "TODAY I WILL JUDGE NOTHING THAT HAPPENS" REPEAT THIS FEW TIMES MENTALLY. BEST TIME TO DO THIS IN THE MORNING.